Baseline assessment or needs assessment are typically used interchangeably. They typically refer to assessing the community needs of a focus geography. The baseline assessment refers to understanding the community needs through discussions, surveys, the community statistics available at the goverment and others agencies, etc.

The key benefits of our approach are:

Geography Specific Need Assessment
Customized and Impact Oriented interventions
SROI Maximization

Our Baseline Assessment study is focused on assessing the needs of a community in the geography of focus. We initiate by just understanding the data available in the government records, any regional studies, etc. Once we have collated this data, we also perform our own on-group assessment focused on understanding demographic profile, socioeconomic status, existing government schemes, community feedback ,etc. Once the data is available, it becomes easier to assess the community needs and design interventions on the identified needs.

Recent Blogs


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An Overview of Baseline Studies and Their Role in CSR Impact Assessment

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