
What Drives Employees to Participate in Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteering or employee volunteering, is a fantastic initiative that encourages companies to support their employees in giving back to the community.

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Unveiling the Ripple Effect: A Dive into Impact Assessment Studies

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives undertaken by cоmpanies have grown expоnentially in the recent past..

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The Potential Benefits of CSR to Companies

In today's business world, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental element of business strategy. Big or small companies are expected to take the lead in developing robust CSR Impact assessments to drive positive impact.

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Beyond Good Intentions: How to Assess the Real Impaсt of Your CSR

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives have long been used by organizations as а way to give baсk to society.

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Understanding NGO Fund Audits: Building Trust and Aссountability

An NGO fund audit refers to the independent examination and verifiсation of financial records, aссounts, and underlying transaсtions undertaken by сertified auditors to assess if the financial statements aссurately reflect the financial position of the nonprofit group.

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Making а Difference Strategies for Responsible CSR Spending

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies have the potential to make а profound impact on society if carried out strategically and with corporate transparency.

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Impact of CSR on Brand Value and Company Performance

In today's society, consumers want more than just good quality products at low prices. They expect brands to be socially responsible and positively impact society.

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Empowering Your CSR Initiatives: Top CSR Software Platforms in 2024

Choosing the right CSR (corporate social responsibility) software for your organization can be a difficult task with so many options available. You know you want a tool to monitor and manage your social and environmental initiatives effectively, but deciding on the best software can be overwhelming.

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Empower Your Employees, Enhance Your Business: The Power of Employee Volunteering

Today, younger workers like Generation Z and millennials expect their employers to provide workspaces where they can thrive. Employee volunteering is a great way for employers to meet these expectations. Many studies show that involving employees in corporate volunteering activities brings multiple benefits.

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Maximizing Your Social Impact: 5 Steps to a Powerful CSR Impact Assessment

In today’s business world, the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly crucial. It focuses on businesses making a positive impact on society while still being profitable. Many companies are embracing CSR, but it's crucial to conduct a thorough impact assessment. This assessment helps companies understand the effects of their CSR efforts and ensures they are truly making a sustainable difference.

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Safeguarding Your CSR Spend: The Power of a Financial Audit

Money makes the world go round, but CSR makes it spin responsibly. In the corporate world, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is more than just a trendy term, it’s the heartstring that connects businesses to society. But how do you ensure that this commitment is honored judiciously? The answer lies in safeguarding your CSR spending.

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Volunteering for Good: How CSR Programs Boost Employee Engagement

Encouraging your employees to volunteer can boost their engagement levels. It's been proven that offering volunteer opportunities fosters a sense of pride among your team members. Employee volunteering can also create a sense of purpose and increase overall employee engagement. Employee volunteering in India is growing in a big way as companies realise that it is an effective tool to boost employee well-being and skills.

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Know the Nuance: Corporate Governance vs. Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility are far more than similar sounding jargon. They impact not only the organization itself, but also the wider community that exists around it.

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Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility vs. Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability are two integral concepts in the corporate world. They are often intertwined, yet with distinct purposes and focuses. CSR and sustainability both play a key role in shaping ethical business practices.

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10 Successful Strategies for Corporate Environmental Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) represents a company's commitment to environmental and social well-being. Through philanthropic endeavors, volunteer work, and similar activities, CSR can truly make a change. But it needs efficient implementation.

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The Significance of Social Responsibility: A Blueprint for Business Success

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental aspect of doing business responsibly. In this blog post, we'll explore what social responsibility means and why it's essential for businesses. We'll also go over the types of social responsibility and practical tips for implementation.

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How CSR Initiatives are Driving Digital Inclusion in India

CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is a mandate in India. Such initiatives in all fields are highly benefited by technology. Data-driven intelligence, efficient planning, and effective collaboration can contribute to maximizing the impact of CSR. Therefore, having a technology driven approach to CSR monitoring and impact assessment is of great value.

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5 Exemplary Corporate Social Responsibility Achievements by Leading Brands

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is the duty of business organizations to make a difference in society and better the environment. These voluntary, non-profit ventures show the ethical nature of an organization, and its commitment to those it serves.

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How to Conduct a Successful Community Need Assessment?

Conducting a successful Community Need Assessment (CNA) is a crucial step in designing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project. It aligns with the aspirations of the community you aim to serve. This exercise is also known as a Baseline Study or a Baseline Assessment.

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Top 5 Tips to Choose the Right CSR Projects for Your Company

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an essential aspect of modern businesses. Companies are increasingly realizing the importance of giving back to society.

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What are impact assessment studies?

Impact assessment studies are crucial to the projects and initiatives organizations undertake. It is an approach to sustainability involving systematic assessment of the social impact of various organizational initiatives.

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The Future of CSR Software: Trends & Predictions

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business strategies worldwide. As companies strive to align their operations with sustainable practices and societal well-being, the role of CSR software has gained prominence.

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Measures for Evaluating CSR Performance & Impact

Organizations engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility need to have robust methodologies and systems in place to objectively assess the performance of their CSR project in accordance with standard and globally agreed upon metrics.

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An Overview of Baseline Studies and Their Role in CSR Impact Assessment

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are becoming increasingly important for companies. It enhances their reputation and demonstrates their commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment.

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How CSR Impact Assessment Agencies Measure Social, Environmental, & Economic Impact?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a key component of organisational operations, with companies looking to have a positive impact on society and the environment. However, measuring the impact of CSR initiatives can be challenging.

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What is Corporate Social Responsibility? 4 Main Types of Corporate Social Responsibility for your Business

Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR in general, is a set of self-regulating practices that an organization adopts to make itself socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.

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How NGO Audits are Benefit Your Business

When undertaking a Corporate Social Responsibility project, there is a process of reviewing the financial and operational performance of the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that you partner with.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Social Return on Investment

Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a method for measuring the social, environmental, and economic impact of a project or initiative. It is a tool that helps assess the value of a Corporate Social Responsibility project beyond its financial returns.

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How to Implement CSR for your Business

CSR formally launched in India in 2014. It was 5 years after we at SoulAce began our journey of establishing relationships between Corporates looking to give back and suitable NGOs and communities that could benefit from such projects.

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Business Benefits of CSR Impact Assessments

If you run a business that is set to engage or already engages in CSR activities, you will know that no Strategy is complete without a plan for Impact Assessment.

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CSR and Healthcare: Optimising CSR fund Utilisation

Given the recent healthcare crisis during the pandemic, upgrading the healthcare infrastructure and technology has become imperative. Cracks in the structure have become more prominent and Corporates, NGOs and the government must join hands to fix the gaps.

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What is included in an Impact Evaluation Study?

In the world of project undertakings, one of the most significant areas of assessing position and substantiality is conducting Impact Evaluation Studies.

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How can CSR be presented in the Education Field?

The 21st-century world is a market amalgamation of different sectors coming together to make profitable outcomes while impacting their surrounding world.

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Why is Social Impact Assessment Important in India?

Social Impact Assessments are regulatory tools used worldwide for developmental projects. Before we delve into the why let's ask ourselves: how do we define Social Impact Assessment?

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How to Utilize CSR Funds Effectively

Imagine you have conducted a baseline study and allocated a budget for your organization’s CSR practices. What comes next? Ensuring your CSR funds reach the cause and are utilized to their best capacity may seem like a daunting task. This article will present you with some tips to make sure you move forward in the right direction.

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CSR Strategies: Their Importance for Companies, and the Steps to Build Them.

The role of CSR for society is a momentous one as it has the ability to pave the way for the progress of the community. It is a responsibility shouldered by every member of the company and benefits multiple stakeholders, including the benefactors themselves.

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How to Create a Successful Employee Volunteer Program

Employees make up an essential part of the framework that contributes towards a company’s CSR aims. In the present times, recruiting and retaining top-tier and motivated employees is ascertained also by its dedication towards its social responsibilities.

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Everything Need to About CSR Impact Assessment Studies

It is a comprehensive process of assessing the impact created by the company in the lives of the beneficiaries. Assessing the impact of a CSR project helps to understand the impact outcome of the project.

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Best CSR Software for Corporate Social Responsibility in 2022

Given the growing importance of social responsibility in business, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is quickly becoming a fixture in modern business lexicon.

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The Significance of a CSR Project Monitoring Platform

Society has transitioned towards the digital, best it is adapting to this transition now.

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Benefits of Using a CSR Monitoring Software

One of the cornerstones of a successful CSR initiative is its quantification and evaluation.

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CSR Consultancy: CSR Management Systems and Their Importance

Since CSR has become a legal requirement and now plays a big role in creating a brand image for the company, CSR optimization gives companies the chance to show tangible value creation.

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Measuring CSR Impact Assessment: What it means and How It Is Beneficial

Today, it is mandatory for companies conducting CSR activities above a certain amount to conduct impact assessment.

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Employee Volunteering: Impact and Benefits

The SoulAce software platform for employee volunteering in India continuously updates information with requirements for volunteers for different projects that employees can choose from. It can be customized to reveal opportunities that align with the aims of the companies and their employees.

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CSR Fund Utilization Audit for Firms

Besides complying with government regulations, incorporating fund utilization audits for companies can have numerous benefits for firms such as, Avoiding Penalties, Lending Sustainability to CSR Activities, Building Trust among Partners, Implementing Realistic and Scalable Models.

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How Important is CSR Software for CSR Initiatives?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an essential system in creating ethical business models worldwide. Countries regularly update their rules and regulations regarding CSR to improve its impact. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in India provides comprehensive and dynamic documents, acts, and FAQs to better understand the role of CSR and its implementation by qualifying companies. This includes fulfilling their duties towards alleviating social or environmental issues and creating a more inclusive and sustainable space.

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Why Do Corporations and Companies Need a CSR Monitoring Platform?

CSR Monitoring Platform helps in Creating a Central CSR Database, Strategizing for CSR Initiatives, Allocating Responsibilities and Proper Recognition, Efficient Impact Assessment and Report Writing & Sharing the Company's Achievements and Improving its Transparency.

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How to Monitor Your CSR Projects with CSR Software | SoulAce

The need for a responsible, transparent, and efficient monitoring platform of the CSR projects has always been a critical need for the corporations executing Corporate Social Responsibility and abiding by Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. This CSR project monitoring software includes periodic performance evaluations to track the company’s progress and impact in terms of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

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5 Key Takeaways for CSR Professionals in 2022

Community investments play an important role in CSR and is one of the growing CSR strategies. It can be direct cash, non-cash contributions, or grants from the foundation. Sustainability is no longer a standalone CSR objective. It should be part of a consistent approach for CSR that aims for the sustainable development of an organization. No organization wants to stay behind when it comes to social impact and sustainability. This is the reason why benchmarks are helpful for the organization to measure the progress of CSR projects.

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How Do You Measure The Impact Of CSR Activities?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now an essential part of the corporate world and is no longer a choice or profit-making agenda incorporated in some business houses. It is desired that the proper measures to understand the CSR activities as it is now one of the potential aspects in the companies’ regulations, and almost all the corporate houses have adopted it in their policies to concentrate on a more sustained environment.

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What is the Importance of CSR MIS & Monitoring Platform?

CSR software manages, administers, and tracks CSR programs that might include environmentally responsible operations, grants and sponsorships, sustainability management, community giving, and corporate volunteer management. These solutions help companies share their CSR program accomplishments with customers, employees, and investors. Additionally, corporate social responsibility software helps businesses continually improve their policies and practices to support their CSR values.

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CSR Notification: CSR Impact Assessment Made Mandatory

CSR Impact Assessment is the process of comprehending the impact that has occurred in the lives of the beneficiaries, where the project was implemented. This helps to understand the overall outcome and impact of the project from the eyes of the beneficiaries. The New Rules in the Companies Amendment Act have brought in some changes which show Government’s encouragement towards the corporates to pursue impact assessment for their ongoing CSR projects.

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How did the CSR project reduced water scarcity and improved the livelihood of the people?

A year has passed since the implementation of the project, planned to resolve the issues of water scarcity at Satara District, Maharashtra. Recently our Team visited the Satara District, to conduct a CSR Impact Assessment study of the Water Harvesting Project. This project was executed last year by our Corporate Partner.

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The Importance of CSR Impact Assessment Study

Today, nearly every company strives to solve a problem. It could be a global problem or a more community-level problem. Businesses who address the concerns of customers and other stakeholders are likely to be more successful. In addition to building monetized products and services, a business also has the opportunity and responsibility to help and donate to its community or society at large through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy.

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SROI Study Of CSR Project By SoulAce

SoulAce conducted a Social Return on Investment (SROI) study of a Girl Child Education Programme in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu. This project began in 2012 and aimed at supporting girls with a range of social, academic and material support to enable and empower them to continue schooling by minimizing social and economic constraints.

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How Effective Has CSR Been In Education Sector?

During the 2017-18 financial year, the total CSR expenditure in the country was Rs.7,536.30 crore. This is a 47% increase from 2014-15, when the Amendment was first enacted. Specifically, education has consistently been among the most favoured sectors that companies have invested in, with the year 2018 seeing INR 2202 crore being spent on this sector alone.

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What are the Shared Value of CSR from Indian Context?

In 2014, India introduced CSR law being the first country in the world to make it mandatory. The corporate sector was initially taken by surprise and many of them perceived this as an additional tax burden. India also saw a new government in 2014, which was under pressure by Industry Bodies and Associations to overturn the law.

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How has CSR evolved in India ?

India has the world’s richest tradition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The term CSR may be relatively new to India, but the concept dates back to Mauryan history, where philosophers like Kautilya emphasized on ethical practices and principles while conducting business. CSR has been informally practiced in ancient times in form of charity to the poor and disadvantaged.

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